Jan 16, 2013

On the Move

I find it very hard to stay still if I'm the slightest bit unhappy ... I get this itching feeling
Like I need to go on an adventure....

Monday I started this adventure ... and when I say I started it.. I went for a walk around the big wide web.
I have always known what Ive wanted... Its like a vision in my head and I cant shake it, I just know what I want.

I've tried many ideas.. I've tried to settle for different things but nothing has made me happy
But settling for something other than what you want doesn't make you happy does it?

So to cut a long story shot, I found what I was looking for.. can you hear me singing ....

but really I did .. and once I had it sorted in my head.. it was easy

So Vintage Skies does have a new home ... New Pastures ..... New look...

I finally feel somewhat settled... I feel like I may have just took the first step to getting the look i crave so much.... come visit ... and tell me what you think... you can leave me your comments on the new blog

Jan 13, 2013


Where did the week go... it flew by so fast
and to think we are already coming into the third week of a New Year ...
I hope you all had an amazing week... 

Jan 11, 2013


I need space ... 
we moved to our little house 18 months ago, and if I'm honest it's really not big enough for us as a family but its amazing for keeping the bills low and its cute.. 
I have to say its cute....
But I need space ... and we have this wonderful basement, semi finished, warm, spacious and just begging me to use it for more than just storage.

All from my Pinterest

I have ideas... and as we have committed ourselves to staying here another  year to 18 months ... 
I think I need to get the husband on board with this idea... 

Jan 6, 2013

365 Instagram Project

Do you make Resolutions? or do you like me set goals and aim to achieve memories 

One of my goals this year was to start and complete a 365 Instagram project ... well one week down 51 one more weeks to go...